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ScrumBuddy Your Agile Advantage

Enhance your agile journey with ScrumBuddy by your side, powering up Refinements, turbocharging Three Amigos, and enriching Retrospectives like never before.

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Designed for Scrum Teams like yours

Our goal at ScrumBuddy is to help unlock the performance and drive long-term growth inside agile development teams.

Our software reduces wasteful back and forth

By understanding the project early on, we prevent project failures.

Requirements are not missed and the right things are worked on in the right order

Improved estimations reduce unplanned overrun

More clarity means less costly rework and delays

Why Choose ScrumBuddy?

AI project management

AI-Powered Team Member

Refined Requirements and Reliable Estimations

ScrumBuddy takes in all your existing requirements and will re-write them, creating consistency by making accurate observations based on reasoned facts.

Smart Analysis for Proactive Problem-Solving

Customised for each client, our AI project management tool will ask key questions based on your project goals.

Having ScrumBuddy embedded in your team drives accurate analysis into system requirements, making each session productive. By highlighting issues and inconsistencies as they occur, the team is able to resolve those issues. This motivates teams to bring forward concerns early in the delivery life-cycle.

Experience ScrumBuddy

Harness AI and Unleash Potential

At ScrumBuddy, we believe that harnessing the power of AI can unleash the potential of Agile teams. Our tools and expert mentors are here to help you achieve your Agile goals and take your team to the next level.

AI project management tool
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Be among the first to supercharge your scrum team.


We'll let you know when the beta is ready!


The perfect companion for agile development teams

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